Chronik: Krumbach

Group of individuals attacks bar staff – one of them makes the Nazi salute

After three acquaintances physically attacked an employee of a bar on the night of September 8, 2024, the group was to be escorted outside by a security staff member. Subsequently, one of the perpetrators struck in the direction of the employee, who fortunately remained uninjured. While the police, already present due to another altercation, were documenting the incident, another employee was threatened by the group. One person from the group of attackers made the Nazi salute.

Several reports were filed against the individuals involved, including for attempted bodily harm, threats, and the use of symbols of unconstitutional organizations.


Police report from September 8, 2024 –

Fine imposed after racist insult

On the evening of 17th october 2022, a traffic accident occurred in Krumbach. A completely uninvolved 43-year-old man came and racially insulted one of the injured several times. On 12th of april 2023, the court hearing took place before the Günzburg District Court, at which the court ordered the provisional discontinuation of the proceedings pursuant to § 153 a Abs. 2 StPO. The defendant must pay a fine of €1500 to the Diabetes Kinder Ulm e.V. association in order for the dismissal to become legally binding.

Source: Allgäu rechtsaußen

Rassistisch motivierter Mordversuch

Am 28. August 2022 hat ein 32-Jähriger Deutscher, einen inzwischen 33-Jährigen Eritreer aus rassistischen Gründen heraus versucht zu ermorden. Auf Anfrage von Allgäu rechtsaußen bestätigte die Staatsanwaltschaft Memmingen dies. Den Ermittlungen zufolge hatte der Beschuldigte dem 33-Jährigen eritreischen Staatsbürger am frühen Morgen nach einem zunächst verbalen Streit mehrere körperliche Verletzungen zugefügt und ihn anschließend bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit gewürgt. Nach dem jetzigen Stand war laut Ermittlungsbehörde „Fremdenhass eines von mehreren Motiven der Tat“. Gegen den Beschuldigten wurde ein Haftbefehl wegen versuchten Mordes und gefährlicher Körperverletzung erlassen. Seit Dezember 2022 befindet er sich in Untersuchungshaft.

Quelle: Allgäu rechtsaußen

Serious arson in a refugee housing

On the evening of 23rd of october 2022, residents of a refugee shelter reported a fire in the basement of the house. The notified fire brigade was able to extinguish the fire quickly and prevent it from spreading further. All of the dozen or so residents were able to flee the building in time. However, three of the residents were injured when they took the windows outside to safety. Due to the smoke, the house is currently uninhabitable and the residents had to be accommodated elsewhere. As the Kripo Memmingen determined, the fire was deliberately set by lighting clothing in the basement. This could also have led to the death of the residents. The police are now investigating on suspicion of aggravated arson and attempted murder.

Quelle: Allgäuer Zeitung