Personal and secure.

Contact us.

You are welcome to contact us, without any further obligation. Our counselling is free of charge, confidential and independent of state authorities. Upon request, we are happy to provide language mediators; just let us know in advance what you need. Besides in-person counselling at a location of your choice, we also offer encrypted and anonymous online counselling.

When placing calls to our hotline, please note that your telephone provider’s usual charges apply.

Illustration zum Bereich Unterstützung. Zeigt Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten: finanzielle Hilfe, Hilfe bei der Suche nach medizinischer oder juristischer Unterstützung.

Secure and anonymous.

We provide immediate aid.

Spenden Sie für B.U.D. e.V.

Beratung für Betroffene rechter Gewalt muss unabhängig und kostenlos bleiben. Unterstützen Sie den Trägerverein B.U.D. e.V. mit Ihrer Spende oder einer Fördermitgliedschaft!

Report an incident

Have you been assaulted? Do you know someone who has been assaulted Oder Sie sind Zeug*in eines Angriffs geworden? If so, you can report the incident here.

Our offer.

How we support victims of right-wing violence.


We counsel victims, their friends and families as well as witnesses of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence after an assault.


We support victims and their families practically and politically depending on their individual needs.

Documentation. TEST.

We provide information on right-wing violence and document according incidents in Bavaria.