Kostenlos & vertraulich.

Counselling. TEST

We counsel victims and their personal environment as well as witnesses after an assault, regardless of which political party the offenders self-identify with. In our first conversation, we decide on the next steps together.

Illustration: Zwei Sprechblasen in orange und grau, die sich überschneiden. Die Illustration steht für Beratung nach einem rechten Angriff.

Auf Ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten.

Our counselling offer.

As an independent counselling centre for victims of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence in Bavaria, we support victims, their relatives and environment as well as witnesses after an assault.

Our counselling is free of charge, confidential and anonymous, upon request. We are an independent centre and provide our services regardless of whether you have filed a report with the police or other authorities. We are on your side and stand up for your rights. We can visit you at any address throughout Bavaria and provide language mediators upon request.

Our offer addresses people who have been assaulted or threatened for the following reasons:

  • racism
  • their disability
  • their political position or societal commitment
  • anti-Semitism
  • their social discrimination
  • their affiliation with non-right-wing subcultures
  • antiziganism
  • hostility towards members of the LGBTIQ* community
  • their religious affiliation

The victim’s perspective is at the heart of our work.

Sicher & anonym.

Our online counselling services.

Besides in-person counselling at a location of your choice, we also offer encrypted and anonymous online counselling. This way, you can quickly contact our counsellors via email or live chat.

Unser Angebot.

We support you in different ways.


We support victims and their families practically and politically depending on their individual needs.


We provide information on right-wing violence and document according incidents in Bavaria.

About us.

Find out what B.U.D. Bayern stands for and what our goals are.

Our network.

We are part of a network of regional and national counselling centres.

Information material.

Flyers, manuals, publications and links to further information.

What is right-wing violence?

Right-wing violence is more than physical assaults by organised neo-Nazis; it manifests in many different ways.

What to do in the event of a right-wing assault.

Right-wing assaults are usually completely unexpected. We have provided some recommendations on what you can do during and after an assault.

Tool box against right-wing violence.

The tool box against right-wing violence contains valuable resources that can help you after an assault.